Stress Fire II Gunfighting for Police: Advanced Combat Shotgun
Stress Fire II Gunfighting for Police: Advanced Combat Shotgun

Order# C-9064

Product Overview

The long-awaited second volume in Massad Ayoob's series on Advanced Gunfighting for Police. Learn to control the 12-Gauge Shotgun in the most rapid fire! Pain-Free aimed fire from the shoulder! Speed reloads that don't fail under stress! Proven jam-response techniques! Keys to selecting a good shotgun, including brands which work best! Combat shotgun ballistics, including autopsy photos! Accessories that work and those that don't. Use of other gauges and how the power of the Fight or Flight Reflex can work for you to control the most destructive, but toughest-to-handle, of all close-range antipersonnel weapons. Softcover, 212 pages, illus. 51/2"x81/2".